property target_URL : "" property target_URL2 : "" --property target_URL : "" --property target_URL2 : "" --MacOS9以下で使う場合、上記のようにUTF-8をShift_JISに変更する。 repeat display dialog "Enter the search string:" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "I'm Feeling Lucky", "Search"} default button 3 copy the result as list to {search_string, button_pressed} if the button_pressed is "Cancel" then exit repeat if the search_string is not "" then exit repeat end repeat if the button_pressed is "Search" then open location target_URL & search_string--検索結果ページを開きます else if the button_pressed is "I'm Feeling Lucky" then open location target_URL2 & search_string--I'm Feeling Luckyで開きます end if
2003/3/9 ─ページをアップロード
2003/3/31 ─MacOS9での注意書きを修正。