⇒Towards Chaiya-History of Srivijaya

The History of Srivijaya under the tributary trade system of China


List of Figures and Plates ⅷ
Preface and Acknowledgements ⅸ

Introduction 1
The historical outline of Srivijaya 1
Uncompleted Identification of the major states 9

1. Distorted history of ancient Southeast Asia 15

2. The development of trans-peninsular routes 23
A-route 27
B-route 30
① Kha-la-tan(Ho-lo-tan = 呵羅単) 32
② Kan-tuo-li(Kan-da-ri = 干陀利) 38
③ Tan-tan(丹丹, 単単) 39
④ Chi-tu(赤土) 40
⑤ Po-hang (婆皇)and Po-ta(da)(婆達) 41
C-route 43

3. A short history of Funan
The pr edecessor of Sr ivijaya was Funa n as G. Coedès says. 47
1. Rise and fall of Funan 47
2. Pan-pan became the sanctuary of Funan 55 (The
economic relation between Funan and Pan-pan) 57
3. The trade of Chen-la and Pan-pan 59

4. Development of Srivijaya (Shi-li-fo-shi) 63
1. Origin of Srivijaya 63
2. Expansion of Srivijaya to Sumatra and Java 64
3. Chen-la occupied Chaiya and Sailendra revenged 68
3-1. Success of Chen-la’s invasion 68
3-2. Retaliation of Srivijaya group 69
4. Inscriptions of Srivijaya in the Palembang area 70
4-1. The Kedukan Bukit Inscription 70
4-2. The Talang Tuwo Inscription 72
4-3. The Telaga Batu Inscription 73
4-4. The Kota Kapur Inscription 74

5. Sailendra 79
1. The origin of Sailendra 79
2. Sailendra as the leader of Srivijaya 82
3. The Ligor Inscription 87
4. The Inscription of Sailendra in Java 94
4-1. The Kalasan Inscription dated in 778 94
4-2. The Kelurak Inscription dated in 782 95
4-3. The Sojomerto Inscription 96
5. The relation between Srivijaya and Chen-la 104

6. The problems of the Palembang hypothesis 109
1. Dr. J. Takakusu’s map of Yi-Jing’s itinerary 109
2. The basic concept of G. Coedès on Srivijaya 116
3. Some descriptions of Yi-Jing on Shi-li-fo-shi 120
3-1. Did Yi-Jing arrived at Palembang within 20 days? 120
3-2. More than 1,000 Buddhist monks in Palembang? 120

7. The Location of Shih-li-fo-shi (Srivijaya) 123
1. Yi-Jing’s ‘Sundial’ 123
2. The Xin Tang-Shu says in the article of Shih-li-fo-shi 125
3. The Xin Tang-Shu says in the article of Kha-ling (Ho-ling) 127
4. Jia Dan’s sea route and the location of Luo-Yue 129

8. San-fo-chi (三佛齊) 137
1. Formation of San-fo-chi 139
2. The center of San-fo-chi 143
3. The San-fo-chi’s relation with the Song Dynasty 145
4. Vassal states of San-fo-chi 148
5. Chola invaded San-fo-chi 152
6. Was Chola a subordinate state of San-fo-chi ? 158
7. Sudden death of San-fo-chi 159
8. Tambralinga (Nakhon Si Tammarat) emerged 161
9. Phantom of San-fo-chi 164

Appendix 1. Langkasuka and Chi-tu 173
1. Langkasuka was not Pattani 173
2.‘Lan Saka’ near Nakhon Si Thmmarat 179
3. Langkasuka and Chi-tu 182
Conclusion 184

Appendix 2. List of tributary countries 185

Endnotes 205
Bibliography 209
About the Author 211
Index 213

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