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へもへも日記Blog版(日本語) Hemo-Hemo diary Blog (Japanese)

I saw a woman was doing dog training in the morning (03/11/2009)
 There is not any dog shop in Germany. You have to go dog breeder directly if you'd like to have your dog. And you have to pay tax to German goverment.

 She ordered to dog to walk right side of her. And She pushed dog to wall which is on the right side. Of course the dog hesitated to go for right side. But she pushed dog again and again as order "You have to keep right side".

 May be you can recognize that German dog is trained well if you come to Germany. Some dogs wait that owner finshs shopping in front of shop without leed. Can you imagine Japanese dog can do same?

I like on Podcast (03/11/2009)
 It's name is "Kisei-rush" It's very interesting.

I saw one site in Kyushu area (02/11/2009)
 How he cut chain?

 And I wondered why he doesn't power of little during gear shift? It's not good for chain and wire. So it's possible to wire roughly 4 years if he power off. Of course I power off little bit during gear shift because I have experience to use old type drive train which doesn't have any gear shift assistance.

I've got one Japanese broucher (02/11/2009)
 Buelent brought it. I can imagine bacause it's not same as European broucher.

 He didn't know Mao Asada. So I send web site adress to him. There were German, Swiss, Austrian and Israeli in the office. But nobody knows her. So Actually they know Catalina Bitto. But other figuar skater is not famous in Germany.

 Today I've got Fun Ride October eddition. I agree that it's possible to wirte bike impression of GDR bike without ride. So there is not any interesting impression. I think it's important to write impression as comparison result. Reader can't judge it's real or not without any comparison.

 And my package has been found in Czech. Actually it's not Prague. The colleagure in Prague coudln't find it and answered to me "I have to explain that our division in Prague receive all package from Czch not Hamburg. Please ask to other division" So first guy is in that division. And I claimed him "I'm not same product sales division, and don't know inside of your division. Do you ask to customer to chaise in the company by himself?" Finally, he answered to me that he found it and send back to Hamburg.

 Of course, I have to check by final arrival.

I've removed creat spacer (01/11/2009)
 So I tryed to 2mm higher saddle position. It looks good, and I backed saddle position same as before and removed creat space in stead of higher saddle position. In this winter I will try position change.

It 3 degree even AM 11:00 in this morning

 Drive in Germany out size part

 In the Europe, we use street name and number as adress. Therefore there is indicator of street name.

 Do you know this?

 Recently, one Japanese traveller claimed to German police that his rental car was stolen. He said that he parked car on "Einbhanstrasse". And the wif of one of Japanese coleeague lost her position and asked to her hasband by mobile phone. Of course husband asked her "Whre youre" Then she answered this street name.

 This indicator shows "One way street"

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